Sunday, March 15, 2015

Baby Goats and Roosters - New Digs

With winter... ending... well, we were hoping it was ending but it said it is here to stay for a bit longer.

Moving on... the barn stall has needed some periodic overhauls. The chicken pen was a right mess and I took care of that earlier last week.  Today, I focused on the goats and roosters pen. I moved them over to an open stall that has an outdoor run. Here are a few pictures of their new digs.

I think they will be ultimately happy in here. This is "stage 1" As our thaw continues (or tries to) we will give them access to the horse paddock. They will be the grounds keepers in there. This should be a good thing because when the horses start going out to pasture the grass will begin to get overgrown down here. So the goats should have fun keeping things in order down here. If all goes according to plan, they will be milk goats, so we don't want to get them too spoiled on going OUT into the pasture. The 'best" milk goats (for those that don't know) are fed special diets and don't get to eat "wild plants." ;)

The hens will be getting some new outdoor digs soon, too. Stay tuned for that. Their plan will be incorporated into the garden plans. :) Can't wait to see that project unfold.

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